My town

My town
Thw view from the top. Literally. I climbed a big hill to get this photo.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Out With the Old, In With the New

I am free!! I left the crazy lady behind and now live in peace. Don’t you think a Peace Corps Volunteer should live in peace? Living with a very difficult person hopefully has taught me a lot about myself and interacting with others that I will later be able to reflect upon. However, at this moment, all it has taught me is that for my own tranquility in life I cannot live with any more Costa Rican woman. Many female volunteers have issues with living with the Costa Rican women, not just me. Often times the daughters get jealous of their mothers relationship with the volunteer. Other women treat the volunteers like their child. Babying them and not allowing freedom. For me, I just lived with a crazy lady. I know I know, that doesn’t describe anything. But, at this point I do not need to speak negatively of her anymore. She is a good person at heart but I am still very happy to be out of there. So, now that I have moved out here are photos of what I left behind and photos of what I now have.

Also, my parents just came for a visit and laughed when they entered Dominical. Apparently, I am not describing life here very well so I will attempt my best to be literary and describe life here a little better. However, at this moment I am too lazy to try.

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