My town

My town
Thw view from the top. Literally. I climbed a big hill to get this photo.

Friday, February 6, 2009

A Typical Day

- Walking on the highway I am blown a kiss, by a five year old. They start
young here.

- A random Costa Rican starts speaking English to me. He tells me I should get
married and make tortillas.

- A 17year old girl in her pajamas who has never been to high school stops to
tell me why she missed class last night. Within 1 minute I got to hear 3
different excuses. They don’t understand its okay, I’m not upset. It’s
their loss.

- I plan a movie night at the school to raise money to paint the school fence.

- I got to a meeting at 3 which I arranged to offer funds to the woman’s group
and no one is there. They forgot to tell me they canceled it.

- I than go hang out with an American and feed bananas to horses.

- Go to English class at 6pm. Whoops, forgot to bring a carrot as a snack.

- 7pm. Electricity goes out and my students leave.

- 7:08. I reach the top of the hill and the electricity is back on.

- Walking home on the highway the electricity goes out again and the moon is
so bright I don’t need my flashlight.

- I see a dead snack. Its yellow and green

- 8pm. Eat some rice and beans!

- Finish The Memory Keepers Daughter.

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